Opened 16 years ago

#183 new enhancement

Use property-set SHA-1 signatures to name build folders.

Reported by: jurko.gospodnetic@… Owned by: somebody
Priority: major Milestone: M13
Component: component1 Version: 2.0
Keywords: build folders, properties, SHA-1 Cc:


This is just a start-up ticket for this topic and should be updated with more details and rationale before any implementation is attempted.

For more information see the related Boost Build mailing list threads starting with:

As I see it, Boost Build builds a single target into separate build folders depending the properties used for it. This is done so that targets built with matching properties would not overwrite each other and you can more easily use different builds of the same target in the same project, i.e. without having to tweak your Jamfiles to make such a thing possible.

Now, forcing targets to be rebuilt for properties that do not have their corresponding build folder seems contradictory to this original idea.

The only general solution I can think of that supports multiple builds of the same target using different properties within the same project/build is to use build folders whose names are calculated based on the non-incidental properties used to build targets contained in those folders. For example, we can use SHA-1 hashed together with a description file in that folder listing the exact property values used.

Good sides:

  • Build folders have short paths - therefore avoiding the long path problems encountered on larger projects.
  • Projects with targets built using multiple property sets do not require any special handling for those files as they all work correctly out of the box.
  • Free features like cxxflags may be used when deciding which build folder to use. This means that solutions like ad-hoc compiler option tweaks will work cleanly instead of having to be implemented using separate Boost Build features for every such solution.

Bad sides:

  • Build folders become more clumsy to locate by humans when they know the exact property set used.

As I see it the bad side does not seem that bad to me as I rarely ever need to go trudging through the Boost Build folders looking for a specific built target. If needed, the build system could also be upgraded so it can be asked: 'where will you place this target?'.

Also, it would be relatively straightforward to add support for explicitly named build folders for a specific property set which should provide ease-of-use for simple projects which are typically interested only in a few build property-sets.

As far as free features affecting the build go - one can say that they should be modeled as separate features if they are important, but one can also argue that this is just extra overhead imposed by the build system that should be able to directly understand that 'typically' specifying different cxxflags should cause targets to be built in different folders (or at least under different names). Alas, in real life this is a moot area since there really are such free feature values that are incidental (i.e. do not affect the built targets) and there are those that are not. Also, in real life, projects that require building the same target with multiple properties are minority. All things considered, I guess the build system should make the conservative choice and consider all free features as non-incidental unless explicitly tagged as such, which the current implementation does not.

The current solution of using separate folder per property has the following good and bad sides with respect to the solution presented above:

Good sides:

  • Easy for a human to navigate the build folder tree.

Bad sides:

  • Free features must always be incidental as Boost Build can not construct folder names directly, mostly due to different OS restrictions on what characters can be included in folder names.
  • Build folder tree can easily become very large and break OS imposed limits on the maximum length (e.g. 260 on Windows unless using tricks in BJam code and any external build tools as well, which might not even be possible).

Providing backward compatibility support for using old build folder organization seems easy enough to provide as a configuration option.

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